Opportunities in Glaucoma Care: A Market Overview for MedTech Innovators


The global ophthalmology landscape is rapidly evolving, particularly in the field of glaucoma treatment. With an increasing prevalence of glaucoma, particularly among adults over 40, the demand for effective treatment options is on the rise. For MedTech manufacturers focusing on ophthalmology, understanding the nuances of the glaucoma market is crucial to develop innovative products and strategies that meet the needs of both clinicians and patients. This blog provides an overview of the current market landscape, treatment selection criteria, and the reimbursement environment in key European markets, offering valuable insights for MedTech companies aiming to make a significant impact in glaucoma care.

Glaucoma Overview: A Growing Concern

Glaucoma is a leading cause of irreversible blindness worldwide, with open-angle glaucoma being the most common type, accounting for approximately 90% of all cases. The disease is characterized by increased intraocular pressure (IOP), which can damage the optic nerve and lead to vision loss. Risk factors include age, diabetes, hypertension, and a family history of the disease.

Given its progressive nature, early detection and treatment are essential to prevent significant vision impairment. This has led to the development and adoption of various diagnostic tools and treatment methods aimed at managing IOP levels effectively.

Treatment Selection Criteria: A Complex Decision-Making Process

The selection of appropriate glaucoma treatment is guided by several factors, including the stage of the disease, patient age, life expectancy, and the initial IOP level before treatment. In Europe, the European Society of Glaucoma (ESG) guidelines play a pivotal role in shaping treatment protocols. The guidelines emphasize a stepwise approach, starting with eye drops, progressing to laser therapies such as Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty (SLT), and eventually considering surgical interventions for advanced cases.

Recent advancements have seen SLT emerge as a first-line treatment option in some cases, particularly following the results of the LiGHT clinical trial. This shift reflects the growing acceptance of laser therapies as effective alternatives to pharmacological treatments, especially in patients with poor adherence to medication or those who are intolerant to eye drops.

Market Landscape: Ophthalmic Facilities and Procedure Trends in the EU4 and UK

The European glaucoma market shows significant variability, with Germany leading in ophthalmologists, followed by France, Italy, and Spain. The distribution of specialized eye hospitals and clinics plays a crucial role in treatment availability and adoption across these countries.

In terms of procedure trends, SLT accounts for a significant share of glaucoma surgeries in the UK, Germany, and France, with adoption rates ranging from 38% to 48%. However, in Italy, SLT’s adoption is significantly lower, primarily due to limited reimbursement options. This highlights the critical role of reimbursement policies in shaping treatment choices and market dynamics.

Reimbursement Landscape: Navigating the Challenges

Reimbursement policies across the EU4 and the UK are significantly different, influencing both treatment accessibility and patient financial burden.

  • UK : Glaucoma treatments are covered by the NHS, with substantial reimbursement for procedures in NHS hospitals. Reimbursement is based on the type of facility where the surgery is performed. Fully reimbursed by the NHS if performed in NHS hospitals or affiliated private hospitals. For procedures in private clinics or independent hospitals, they are either fully covered by private insurance or may involve a co-pay, depending on the insurance policy.
  • Germany : The reimbursement for glaucoma treatment, including SLT, is partially or sometimes fully covered by statutory health insurance in severe cases of glaucoma. However, certain surgery-related services are excluded from coverage and require co-payments.
  • France :Public reimbursement covers €209 per eye for glaucoma surgery. In severe cases where glaucoma is acknowledged as a debilitating condition, treatment can be 100% reimbursed by the public healthcare system. Reimbursement depends on the physician sector: Sector 1 physicians receive 100% reimbursement if a coordinated care pathway is followed, while Sector 2 physicians are partially reimbursed by public insurance.
  • Italy :The reimbursement landscape is more restrictive, especially for advanced procedures like SLT and MIGS, which are often excluded from public healthcare (SSN) coverage. This forces patients to rely on private insurance or out-of-pocket payments, hindering the adoption of newer technologies.
  • Spain : Most eye surgeries are reimbursed 100% by the public system unless they are elective procedures. Private insurance usually covers surgeries like glaucoma surgery, tear duct obstruction, retinal pathologies, and eye injuries caused by illness or accidents. Reimbursement from private insurance can be partial or complete, depending on the terms of the insurance contract.

Conclusion: Opportunities for MedTech Innovation

Investing in technologies that align with emerging treatment trends, such as SLT as a first-line therapy, and navigating the complex reimbursement environments can position MedTech companies at the forefront of glaucoma care. By addressing the unmet needs of clinicians and patients, particularly in markets with restrictive reimbursement policies, MedTech manufacturers can drive innovation and improve outcomes in the battle against glaucoma.

Cetas Healthcare specializes in providing strategic insights and market research tailored to the MedTech industry, making us the ideal partner for companies looking to innovate in the glaucoma care space. Connect with us today!

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Ansley Farro

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